Children · Writing

My Nephew’s Vacuum – The Story of Victor Vacuum

At the time of writing this, I have 1 nephew whom I love to pieces. Needless to say when he was born I was very excited to be an auntie and this kiddo is beyond amazing. Even though I live in another country and don’t get to see him everyday, I try to spend as much time as I can visiting.

When he was around 18 months old, he started becoming obsessed with vacuum cleaners. Granted I wasn’t present at this time as I was in another country but I heard the stories every time I spoke with my family. When I visited at Christmas he received his first vacuum – a battery powered toy Dyson with noises and actual (albeit limited) suction.

He loved it.

The next time I visited was a few months later and we played vacuum for hours. He’d go around the house with his vacuum – stopping at the closet to check on his grandma’s vacuum – and we invented a game I called “watch your feet” wherein you had to move your feet out of the way of the vacuum so we could clean underneath.

The nephew loved that game. Grandma not so much.


We built a cardboard box fort and since I couldn’t fit in there with him and the vacuum I drew a vacuum on the wall of the fort. He immediately reached over, put his finger on the handle and started making vacuum noises as if he’d turned it on.

As you can see, this kid loves vacuums.

Now wanting to be a good auntie (and given that it was about 2 months to his birthday) I decided I wanted to get him a vacuum book as a gift. All kids should read books and why not have the option to read about something you love?

The options I found online were disappointing and not one of them was a toddler durable board book. But I’m stubborn and my love for my nephew dictated that he needed a vacuum board book. So I put my writing degree to work and with the help of an amazingly talented artist friend – created my own book just for him.


Before deciding to write my own vacuum themed board book, I searched high and low for books with vacuums for kids – there are some, but all of them had comments that said something to the extent of “my child loves vacuums” and “we read this every night”.

So I knew that my nephew was not alone in his love for vacuums. All of those kids (and parents) deserved to have more book options on their favorite topic.

That is why I knew Victor Vacuum couldn’t be limited to my Nephew’s bookshelf. This is why Katie and I have worked tirelessly to make this book a self published reality. We’re currently on Kickstarter with the hopes that we’ll get enough support to print this book for kids worldwide.

This book was born out of love. My love for my nephew. My nephew’s love for vacuums.

And I would love to make it available to more kids.

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